460215 is Shanghai Jinshan District HAM DMR TalkGroup.
You can connect to 460215 talkgroup via Shanghai Jinshan District DMR repeater slot 2: 439.950 -9.8.
You can also connect to the 460215 talkgroup through the MMDVM hotspot box.
We'll always be listening to the 460215 talkgroup.
Welcome to the 460215 talk group.
460215 is Shanghai Jinshan District HAM DMR TalkGroup.
You can connect to 460215 talkgroup via Shanghai Jinshan District DMR repeater slot 2: 439.950 -9.8.
You can also connect to the 460215 talkgroup through the MMDVM hotspot box.
We'll always be listening to the 460215 talkgroup.
Welcome to the 460215 talk group.