Latest releases of BrandMaster has some logic to temporary ban Private IDs. Real-time logic placed at Script/Modules/Filter.lua
The idea is very simple: Memcached has functionality for timed storage. We need to put any value to cache with following syntax:
Ban-<private ID>
<syntaxhighlight lang="php"> <?php
unset($number); unset($interval);
if (isset($_SERVER) && array_key_exists("number", $_GET) && array_key_exists("interval", $_GET)) { $number = intval($_GET["number"]); $interval = intval($_GET["interval"]); }
if ((php_sapi_name() == "cli") && ($argc >= 3)) { $number = intval($argv[1]); $interval = intval($argv[2]); }
if (isset($number)) { $cache = new Memcache(); $cache->connect("localhost", 11211); $cache->set("Ban-$number", 1, 0, $interval); }
?> </syntaxhighlight>
Latest releases of BrandMaster has some logic to temporary ban Private IDs. Real-time logic placed at Script/Modules/Filter.lua
The idea is very simple: Memcached has functionality for timed storage. We need to put any value to cache with following syntax:
Ban-<private ID>
<syntaxhighlight lang="php"> <?php
unset($number); unset($interval);
if (isset($_SERVER) && array_key_exists("number", $_GET) && array_key_exists("interval", $_GET)) { $number = intval($_GET["number"]); $interval = intval($_GET["interval"]); }
if ((php_sapi_name() == "cli") && ($argc >= 3)) { $number = intval($argv[1]); $interval = intval($argv[2]); }
if (isset($number)) { $cache = new Memcache(); $cache->connect("localhost", 11211); $cache->set("Ban-$number", 1, 0, $interval); }
?> </syntaxhighlight>