Since version 20220310-120737 BrandMeister Core has support of direct integration with Mumble.

  • BrandMeister uses name 'bridge-<profile ID>' and server password for authentication (non-default password has to be registered in the Registry on a standard way for applications)
  • Only TG bridging is supported, each TG has to be associated with a Mumble channel
  • Users may have user name in format '[<call-sign>]-[<DMR ID>]' (configurable), user name is used to map Mumble caller to DMR
  • AMBE codec is required on the DMR side, Opus codec is only supported on the Mumble side
  • Mumble client should use Opus and 20 ms (default) / 40 ms / 60 ms buffer

Since version 20220310-120737 BrandMeister Core has support of direct integration with Mumble.