The (415)Talk group is dedicated to LEBANON country known with its beautiful capital city Beirut .Every body is Welcomed here in this group to make QSO and talk about any thing except (Religion and politics)"Please act Professionally". Languages Spoken: Arabic (official), French, English, Armenian. Concerning Repeaters ,in Lebanon only available analog one RX:144.7 and TX:144.1 with Tone (88.5) so you are welcomed to contact us . Our radio amateur club in Lebanon (RAL) is active in the HF bands ,VHF , and in Digital mobile radio . Please feel free to join our only Offical Facebook Group : . on the behalf of the (RAL) team we wish you all the best and 73.

The (415)Talk group is dedicated to LEBANON country known with its beautiful capital city Beirut .Every body is Welcomed here in this group to make QSO and talk about any thing except (Religion and politics)"Please act Professionally". Languages Spoken: Arabic (official), French, English, Armenian. Concerning Repeaters ,in Lebanon only available analog one RX:144.7 and TX:144.1 with Tone (88.5) so you are welcomed to contact us . Our radio amateur club in Lebanon (RAL) is active in the HF bands ,VHF , and in Digital mobile radio . Please feel free to join our only Offical Facebook Group : . on the behalf of the (RAL) team we wish you all the best and 73.