Paolo Garbin - IV3BVK

Paolo Garbin is an expert OM from the Friuli Venezia Giulia area of North East Italy. He is the new Press officer of the italian BrandMeister group, as well as being a retired Linux programmer, with a big passion for radios and digital telecommunications systems.

He's a long-time linux programmer, user of Pi-Star UK, WPSD hotspots and Pi-Direct, as well as enjoying systems in All Star Link, BBS packet, APRS dongle, and more...

you can read other news about him and his experiments visiting his Italian website, at and he may be contacted via the DiT - Digitale in Italia - Radioamateur Chat and BM2222 Support Telegram groups. He can also be found on IV3BVK

Have fun with BrandMeister systems!

'73 de Paolo IV3BVK (K1BVK)

Paolo Garbin - IV3BVK[edit]

Paolo Garbin is an expert OM from the Friuli Venezia Giulia area of North East Italy. He is the new Press officer of the italian BrandMeister group, as well as being a retired Linux programmer, with a big passion for radios and digital telecommunications systems.

He's a long-time linux programmer, user of Pi-Star UK, WPSD hotspots and Pi-Direct, as well as enjoying systems in All Star Link, BBS packet, APRS dongle, and more...

you can read other news about him and his experiments visiting his Italian website, at and he may be contacted via the DiT - Digitale in Italia - Radioamateur Chat and BM2222 Support Telegram groups. He can also be found on IV3BVK

Have fun with BrandMeister systems!

'73 de Paolo IV3BVK (K1BVK)