(No difference)
BrandMeister DMR Server has built-in APRS capabilities:
APRS Specification - http://www.aprs.org/doc/APRS101.PDF
APBMxx is officially assigned to BrandMeister (http://www.aprs.org/aprs11/tocalls.txt)
APRSGate : { // APRS connection credentials address = "rotate.aprs.net:14580"; call = "KA6VKP-10"; code = "123456"; filter = "t/m"; // Perl Regular Expression to filter destination call-sign of incoming messages expression = "^(R|U[A-I]|BLN[0-9]250)"; // Private ID number = 250999; };
Standard APRS server filter has no capabilities to filter destination call-sign of text messages. Starting BrandMeister release 20160226-180235 the filter functionality for destination call-sign is implemented on-board. It uses Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (http://www.pcre.org). Please be careful the expression also affects to group bulletins. If you allow to receipt it please add BLN[0-9] to your expression.
This pattern filters all calls starting (^) from R or UA-UI or bulletins for group ID starting from 250.
Detailed expressions for countries are defined in article APRS/Filters.
To send message to DMR radio from APRS you need to send typical APRS message to call-sign (with SSID) that is assotiated to DMR ID at self-care. Recipient will receive message of following format:
<sender call-sign in upper case> <message text>
R3ABM-12 Hello!
If sender APRS station will require delivery report, BrandMeister will forward DMR delivery report as normal APRS message acknowledgement
To send a message from DMR radio to an APRS station you need to prepare message message of following format:
<recipient call-sign in upper case> <message text>
R3ABM-12 Hello!
The message should be addressed to APRS gateway private ID (This is the same as the destination used for GPS normal MCC999 replace MCC with the master MCC). It is recommended you setup a private contact with this ID.
If destination APRS station will respond with delivery status you will receive normal text message with text ack or rej.
R3ABM-12 ack
BrandMeister translates APRS bulletin messages to DMR group text messages (two messages will be sent, one in Hytera TMP format and another one in Motorola TMS). Bulletin name should point to DMR group ID.
Bulletin name syntax:
BLN<1 digit bulletin ID><1-5 digits of DMR group ID>
This bulletin will be forwarded as text message of DMR group ID 2509.
Recipients will receive message of following format:
<sender call-sign in upper case> <bulletin name> <message text>
R3ABM-12 BLN02509 Weather alert!
Only supported by Hytera and Motorola radios having ARS/RRS/LP/LRRP configured
BrandMeister DMR Server has built-in APRS capabilities:
APRS Specification - http://www.aprs.org/doc/APRS101.PDF
APBMxx is officially assigned to BrandMeister (http://www.aprs.org/aprs11/tocalls.txt)
APRSGate : { // APRS connection credentials address = "rotate.aprs.net:14580"; call = "KA6VKP-10"; code = "123456"; filter = "t/m"; // Perl Regular Expression to filter destination call-sign of incoming messages expression = "^(R|U[A-I]|BLN[0-9]250)"; // Private ID number = 250999; };
Standard APRS server filter has no capabilities to filter destination call-sign of text messages. Starting BrandMeister release 20160226-180235 the filter functionality for destination call-sign is implemented on-board. It uses Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (http://www.pcre.org). Please be careful the expression also affects to group bulletins. If you allow to receipt it please add BLN[0-9] to your expression.
This pattern filters all calls starting (^) from R or UA-UI or bulletins for group ID starting from 250.
Detailed expressions for countries are defined in article APRS/Filters.
To send message to DMR radio from APRS you need to send typical APRS message to call-sign (with SSID) that is assotiated to DMR ID at self-care. Recipient will receive message of following format:
<sender call-sign in upper case> <message text>
R3ABM-12 Hello!
If sender APRS station will require delivery report, BrandMeister will forward DMR delivery report as normal APRS message acknowledgement
To send a message from DMR radio to an APRS station you need to prepare message message of following format:
<recipient call-sign in upper case> <message text>
R3ABM-12 Hello!
The message should be addressed to APRS gateway private ID (This is the same as the destination used for GPS normal MCC999 replace MCC with the master MCC). It is recommended you setup a private contact with this ID.
If destination APRS station will respond with delivery status you will receive normal text message with text ack or rej.
R3ABM-12 ack
BrandMeister translates APRS bulletin messages to DMR group text messages (two messages will be sent, one in Hytera TMP format and another one in Motorola TMS). Bulletin name should point to DMR group ID.
Bulletin name syntax:
BLN<1 digit bulletin ID><1-5 digits of DMR group ID>
This bulletin will be forwarded as text message of DMR group ID 2509.
Recipients will receive message of following format:
<sender call-sign in upper case> <bulletin name> <message text>
R3ABM-12 BLN02509 Weather alert!
Only supported by Hytera and Motorola radios having ARS/RRS/LP/LRRP configured