BrandMeister DMR Server has capabilities to send and receive telemetry messages of Hytera and Motorola radios.

Telemetry service allows:

  • Remote check of input. Input can be active and inactive. Radio can send event of state change.
  • Remote control of output. Output can be switched on (set), switched off (clear), toggled and pulsed
  • Remote control by pressing buttons on the radio.

BrandMeister can do control via MQTT API, transmit incoming events (input state change, remote control) to user application via MQTT, transmit events to APRS.


  • States
    • Unknown - 00
    • Inactive - 10
    • Active - 11
  • Actions
    • None - 00
    • Clear - 20
    • Set - 21
    • Toggle - 22
    • Pulse - 23






  "Event" : "Telemetry-Report",
  "SourceID" : 1107164,
  "VIO1" : 023,
  "VIO2" : 000,
  "VIO3" : 000,
  "VIO4" : 000,
  "VIO5" : 000,
  "Text" : ""


Query telemetry of terminal

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'query telemetry'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID

Send telemetry command

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'send telemetry command 0 0 0 0 0'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID                |*******|- Command Set:
#                                                       0 = None, 20 = Clear, 21 = Set, 22 = Toggle, 23 = Pulse