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Hytera R988
Vendor Hytera
Model R988
Firmware A8.00.09.001
Website unspecified
DMR Yes D-Star Yes
Tetra Yes P25 Yes
Terminal support
Group call Yes Voice call Yes
SMS Yes IP Yes
DMR Protocol support
Talker Alias Yes In call GPS Yes


Here is a link to all you wanted to know about Hytera. Some quick points, Hytera is the parent to HYT but NOT TYT. Hytera prides itself on being the world leader in DMR Tier II and III standards based systems. Worldwide it is only second to Motorola in the public safety market.

Hytera Model Breakdown

Hytera distinguishes its models by the use of Letters and Numbers Typically in a LL-NNN format which is explained below. X is used as a null placeholder for the model breakout.


LX: Radio Type

  • R: Repeater
  • M: Mobile
  • P: Portable

XL: Radio Capability

  • D: Digital


#XX: Class of equipment

  • 6: Medium Tier, Feature Limited
  • 9: High Tier - Feature Rich

X#X: Interface Type

  • 2: Power Switch, Programming Software, or Remote Software Access (XNMS) (Wall Mount, Shore Power ready, 25 Watt Continuous Duty)
  • 6: Power, Numeric Display, Channel, Speaker/Microphone with Volume (Backpack, Battery [10 hour] Powered, IP67 Rating, 10 Watt Continuous Duty)
  • 8: Full Menu, Volume, Full Display (Communications Site 19" rack mount repeater, Site Battery Power only, 50 Watt Continuous Duty)

XX#: Country Code

  • 0: China
  • 1:
  • 2: North America / Oceania
  • 3:
  • 4:
  • 5: EMEA / UK / Europe
  • 6: South & Latin America
  • 7:
  • 8: Asia
  • 9:

Tested equipment

Repeater models:


  • 6.00
  • 6.05
  • 7.00
  • 7.06
  • 8.00
  • 8.05

Until further notice, we highly recommend sysops to keep Hytera repeaters on firwmare v8 when connecting to BrandMeister. Updating to a non tested version may break connectitvity to the network in case they changed something in the protocol.

Configuration guide

  1. Configuration of Hytera Repeater
  2. ================================
  4. IP MultI-Site Connect
  5. ---------------------
  6. Manual Set DNS On/Off: checked
  7. DNS Server IP: (for example :-)
  8. Repeater Type: IP Multi-Site Slave
  9. Jitter Buffer Length: 8
  10. Master UDP-Port: 50000
  11. IP Multi-Site Networking UDP-Port: 50000
  12. IP Multi-Site Service: checked
  13. IP Multi-Site Service UDP Port: 50001
  14. Remote RDAC: checked
  15. Remote RDAC UDP-Port: 50002
  16. Master Domain On/Off: checked
  17. Domain Names: (for example :-)

New generation of hytera repeaters (HR106x series) don't support RDAC, they use SNMP instead. Also it is important to forward local SNMP port on your router, external port should match the port configured in codeplug.

  1. SNMP
  2. ---------------------
  3. SNMP Trap Port: 50001
  4. SNMP Trap IP: ip address of master server
  5. SNMP Trap Interval: 10
  6. SNMP Local Port: can be any >= 161
  7. Broadcast Trap Enable: checked
  8. GPS Trap Enable: checked
  9. Local Machine Info Trap Enable: checked
  10. XNMS Access Code: should not be 'public'. change it.

Issues with connectivity


Typically the Hytera repeater has issues with an empty Network Authentication Key field. When you clear the password, it is still sending encrypted connection requests to the server. To solve this problem, you need to fill some text into the password field and upload the codeplug into the repeater then clear the password and upload the codeplug again.

NAT traversal

BrandMeister has NAT traversal mechanism for Hytera repeaters. If you have experience with network DMR+ you need to switch off all existing rules of port forwarding.

Version 9 firmware

Dropping out calls: set Repeater Repeat priority to "IP Connect Repeating" under "General Settings" -> "Accessories"

Photo 2019-08-28 08-59-21.jpg

Specific cases

To avoid problems with strong NAT or multiple repeaters behind single IP we created special tool TellusAgent. TellusAgent is a simple daemon that can run on very cheap hardware such as Raspberry Pi and act as a proxy server for repeater. TellusAgent supports single port IPv4/IPv6 connection on the uplink side and can be run multiple times on the single host inside your intranet.

TellusAgent should be run as many times as many repeaters you have connected by (one instance proxifies single repeater only)


  1. --connect-port <local port for Master service>
  2. --control-port <local port for RDAC service>
  3. --media-port <local port for DMR service>
  4. --server-address <domain name of BrandMeister DMR Server>
  5. --server-port <service port of BrandMeister DMR Server>
  6. --service-mode <set of bits>
  7. bit 0 - print to standard output
  8. bit 1 - print to system log
  9. bit 2 - run as daemon

Source Code of TellusAgent

Audio Issues

In the specific case in which the repeater is signed to the Brandmeister network, but there is no audio, verify under "Conventional->General Settings->Access Manager->Multisite Access Management is DISABLED

Unexpected VSWR alarm

With latest firmware (A8) there seems to be some bug with false VSWR alarms. Uncheck the forward power / VSWR alarm options, to get rid off those annoying messages until they fix in some later release.

Wrong frequency on Dashboard or other strange behavior

After changing the frequency on Hytera RD625 - BM dashboard still shows original frequency, not the actual. Repeater normally operates without problems. Looking into the Logs - BM is seeing that the master sends the wrong frequency. (Still the original one before the change) Following will not help: reboot, power OFF / ON, change of channel.

Solution was that I took from another CPS file from another repeater, modified it and applied to RD625 in question.

The probable cause of this problem was the upgrade from version 7.0.x to 7.6.x. When this upgrade happens – it should convert repeaters codeplug to newer CPS and it probably was not successful.

On new generation repeaters (HR10xx) It is strongly advised that you set up only one zone, with one channel.