2000px-Flag of the Philippines.svg.png
MCC Prefix 515
Coordinators DV1ZEJ,DU1ZC,DV1ROY, 
Website https://brandmeister.network/



Mabuhay! Welcome to the Brandmeister Philippines Wiki

Welcome to the Philippines Brandmeister Wiki. Here you will find many resources that will help you configure your equipment to use the Brandmeister Network. The DMR Tier II network operates on two TDMA time slots, TS1 and TS2. This means two users can use the repeater at the same time.

Masters and Contacts

DMR ID Managed by Location Remarks

5151 DV1ZEJ,  Manila, PH BM 5151 Philippines

Master Info for 5151

Fixed IP =; BM5151.hamradio.com.ph E-mail contact -> DV1ZEJ - Andrew

BM 5151 was established through the efforts of All Ways Prepared Amateur Radio Club Philippines Inc.(DX1BSP)


BrandMeister Support Group

You will find many hams ready to answer your question and assist you on the Telegram instant messenger, at: https://t.me/BrandMeisterDmrPhilippines

Philippine Callsign Map (Credits to PARA)

Philippines Callsign Map

Philippines DMR Talkgroups

Philippine Nationwide Calling: 515

Philippines Talkgroups

Number Description
5150 Philippines Countrywide talkgroup for calling or short QSO
5151 Philippines Radio District 1 National Capital Region, Calabarzon
5152 Philippines Radio District 2 Philippines
5153 Philippines Radio District 3 Talkgroup for Central Luzon
5154 Philippines Radio District 4 Bicol Region
5155 Philippines Radio District 5 Talk Group for Eastern Visayas
5156 Philippines Radio District 6 Talk Group for Western Visayas
5157 Philippines Radio District 7 Talkgroup for Central Visayas
5158 Philippines Radio District 8 Talkgroup for Zamboanga Peninsula, Sossksargen
5159 Philippines Radio District 9 Talkgroup for Northern Mindanao, Davao, ARMM

Philippine and Filipino Amateur Radio Club and Repeater TalkGroups

  • 51588 - PARA
  • 51501 - DX1PUP
  • 51502 - DX1ACE
  • 51503 - DX3CA
  • 51504 - DX4NC
  • 51505 - CNARN Group
  • 51507 - DX7NRD
  • 51515 - DX1AFP
  • 51518 - DX1ARM UHF C4FM
  • 51522 - Pinoy_Link
  • 51525 - SCAN Intl
  • 51532 - Mabuhay
  • 51546 - Scan Intl
  • 515101 - DX1HB
  • 515025 - DX2ACV
  • 515032 - DX1BSP
  • 515041 - DX1CI
  • 515044 - DX1ARM (VHF)
  • 515051 - DX1CW
  • 515055 - DX1WPI
  • 515058 - DX1O
  • 515065 - DX2I
  • 515076 - DX1ARC
  • 515100 - DX1ARM (UHF FM)

USA TalkGroups with Pinoy Flavor


  • 515997 - Parrot (Private Call)
  • 515999 - APRS/GPS

Philippine DMR Net Times

Note: Times indicated are Philippine time. 9:00PM is 1300H UTC or 0600H Pacific Daylight Time. TalkGroup and host/net control are listed in the relevant slots. This list also includes non-515 nets hosted by Filipino clubs or hams abroad.

Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
0600H-0700H 31933
0830H-0930H 51522
0900H-1000H 5151
Eastern VIsayas
0930H~1000H 51518
1000H-1100H 51503
Trivia Net
Central Visayas
1100H-1200H 5153
1900H-2000H 5158
1930H-2030H 51518
2000H-2100H 515044
2030H-2130H 515025
2100H-2200H 5151
Central Visayas
2230H-2330H 51522

Applying for a 5-Digit TalkGroup number for the Philippines

BrandMeister Philippines manages the allocation of all 5-digit TalkGroup numbers for the Philippines -- 51501 to 51599.

The BrandMeister DMR network allows the use of any valid ID as TalkGroup number for QSO or group calls. However, formal names are assigned to certain TalkGroup numbers. The names are visible on the TalkGroups list and last heard sections of the BrandMeister network dashboard, as well as the BrandMeister API.

Only TalkGroups with 3, 4, and 5 digits will be named.

Do I need a named TalkGroup?

BrandMeister is a flexible network, which allows the use of any DMR ID or repeater ID as a talk group number. If you do not need a named 5-digit TalkGroup, you can regularly use these alternatives for your QSOs.

How do I request for a Philippines (515XX) TalkGroup number?

Requests for new TalkGroup names are made through the BrandMeister Support Portal. Upon receipt of your request through the BM ticketing system, BrandMeister Philippines will conduct an initial check. We will verify your submitted/accomplished requirements and analyze TalkGroup data. We can then make a recommendation for approval or denial based on your submission of requirements and TalkGroup activity.

Please refer to the BrandMeister general guidelines for assigning TalkGroups.

BM Philippines makes batches of TalkGroup number ranges available for registration -- for example:51501-51510. Unlike the main BrandMeister network procedure wherein users can randomly request any available TalkGroup numbers, BM Philippines will announce a sequence or batches of available 5-digit TalkGroup numbers that are available for application.

What TalkGroup numbers are NOT available?

See above table, with the addition of:

  • 515 Philippines
  • 51573 Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA)
  • 51588 Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA)
  • 51518 Amateur Radio Movement Inc. (DX1ARM)

What TalkGroup numbers are available?

Talkgroup numbers from 51501 to 51599 that are not already assigned formal names by BrandMeister or BM Philippines are available to be assigned.

Who can apply for a 5-digit TalkGroup number?

  • Group requesting may be an organization, club, entity, or activity duly recognized by amateur radio organizations such as the PARA (or other umbrella associations for groups made up of overseas Filipinos), or a group thereof. Examples are amateur radio clubs or special-interest organizations.
  • Group requesting may also be a group or community of Filipino hams local or abroad, with a shared regional affiliation or other special interest (e.g., regional network of clubs, satellite enthusiasts, DXers, scouts, etc.).
  • The group must be composed of Filipino hams (local or abroad), Filipino ham communities/organizations abroad, or foreign hams residing in the Philippines who have or wish to form a community/organization.
  • TalkGroups can also be assigned for special activities like contests, DXing, JOTA/JOTI, etc.

What are the requirements needed to apply for a 5-digit TalkGroup number?

The basic requirement is that the group should have established activity and that there is a valid reason to formally assign a 5-digit TalkGroup number.

1. Activity

We request that you initially use a repeater ID or a user ID as a TalkGroup for at least 60 days so we can verify traffic before we issue you a 5-digit TalkGroup.

Alternatively, if you wish to test and use PH 5 digit TalkGroup during your test and evaluation period, please reach out to the BM Philippines team, and we will find an available 5 digit TG for you to use for evaluation.

Please do not randomly pick a TalkGroup number.

The group must have daily activity and should have at least 10 regularly active users.

2. Documentation

Please provide the necessary documents, e.g., certificate of affiliation, or other documents relevant to your organization or amateur activity.

If not an officially-established or affiliated amateur club, please provide any proof of your organization’s or group’s existence, such as website/group page, photos or documentation of activities, or participation in other recognized events, etc.

3. Use case

When you submit a request to formally name a TalkGroup, please include an explanation of what the TalkGroup use is for. For example, detail who will be using the TalkGroup, how it will be branded/marketed, what kind of traffic you expect, and whether it is a temporary use or long-term, etc. This will be included in the description/documentation of your TalkGroup if and when assigned.

How do I apply for a named 5-digit TalkGroup?

Please use this form to create a support ticket to request your TalkGroup.

When you are granted a 5-digit TalkGroup number, what else do you need to do?

1. Document it in the Wiki

After the talkgroup is created, document it in the wiki. The BrandMeister Wiki includes a database of Talkgroup descriptions. Once your request for naming has been accepted and implemented, please add a detailed description of what the talkgroup is about, so all BrandMeister users have a good understanding of what the Talkgroup is for.

Use this form to create your Wiki entry (note that creating a TalkGroup entry merely adds it to the Wiki, and it does not necessarily add a TalkGroup to the system).

2. Use the support form to create a ticket to name your TalkGroup

The BM dev team will be the one responsible for implementing the server changes.

3. Be active on the TalkGroup

Dormancy, abandonment, or inactivity are grounds for revocation. Once you have been assigned a named TalkGroup, it will be your responsibility to maintain and promote activity therein.

How long does it take for an application to be approved/rejected?

BM Philippines will check the traffic history database to see how well-utilized the TalkGroup is and then make a determination on whether or not to assign a formal name and TalkGroup number. If your group has been active for at least 60 days, BM Philippines will analyze TalkGroup data and make a decision or recommendation. However, in lieu of this, you can be asked to justify the need for a 5-digit TalkGroup (e.g., for events, emergency services like HERO, etc.).

Note that BM Philippines is composed of volunteer hams, who also have work, business, or family to attend to. Please be patient.

What should we do if our application for a 5-digit Philippine TalkGroup is not approved?

The BrandMeister network is very flexible, and you can continue to use any valid DMR ID as a TalkGroup number. We recommend using a common personal 7-digit DMR ID as TalkGroup. Or if you have a DMR repeater, you can use its 6-digit DMR ID as your TalkGroup. If your TalkGroup has enough activity within a 60 day period, feel free to apply again, and BM Philippines can reconsider.

Are TalkGroup assignments permanent?

BM Philippines reserves the right to recommend the cancellation, revocation, or re-assignment of assigned TGs that are dormant or have very little activity in a period of six months. This is to ensure that named TG allocations are not wasted.

Who are the members of BM Philippines?

BM Philippines is a group of volunteer amateur radio enthusiasts coming from a diverse background. We share our skills and capabilities on various technical and organizational matters. The coordinators are located in the Philippines, while the support team are across several locations (Philippines, US, Australia). See The BrandMeister Philippines team.

Who gave BM Philippines the authority to screen 5-digit TalkGroup applications for the Philippines?

BM Philippines was granted access to screen and approve 5-digit TalkGroups by the BrandMeister Core Team, who has provided access to the BM support ticketing system. Delegation of this task is being done due to the rapid global growth of the BrandMeister DMR network.

Please understand that the BrandMeister network is a community-driven effort, and the worldwide servers are run, maintained, and paid for by private individuals and groups who are volunteers. Thus, it is only fair that the use and assignment of resources are done in consideration of these efforts and the common benefit and enjoyment of the community.

What is the URL of the BrandMeister Philippines Wiki?


You can also visit our homepage with a more memorable address:


How can I get in touch with BrandMeister Philippines?

You will find many hams ready to answer your question and assist you on the Telegram instant messenger at: https://t.me/BrandMeisterDmrPhilippines . You can also make a call to any member of the team at TG 515 or TG 5150.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I submitted my request for a TalkGroup assignment several weeks ago. Why has it not yet been acted upon?

BM Philippines is composed of volunteer hams, who also have work, business, or family to attend to. We may already be revieiwng your TalkGroup data and traffic. You may follow up through our Telegram group for any updates or clarifications. Please be patient.

Can I submit my request for a TalkGroup directly with the BrandMeister admins?

Submissions of named TalkGroup requests are done through the BrandMeister Support Portal. Requests for 515XX talkgroups will be delegated to the BM Philippines team.

Can I apply for a non 515 or Philippine TalkGroup number?

Yes, but BM Philippines is responsible for recommending approval of only 515XX talkgroups. If your organization has an international or other coverage, then please feel free to do so.

How much does it cost to apply for a TalkGroup assignment?

None. Only time and effort on the part of the BM team, and on the part of the applicant, in terms of ensuring that the TalkGroup is active.

I have been using a 5-digit 515 TalkGroup for several months already. Can I request BM Philippines to grant this to me?

As stated in our guide, applicants are requested to use valid DMR IDs or Repeater IDs while applying for a 5-digit talkgroup. However, if you are already previously using a 5-digit 515XX TalkGroup number, the BM Philippines team can analyze traffic and data from that talkgroup and factor it into the application. There is no assurance that you will be granted the same named talkgroup number, however.

Are there any other special 515xxx numbers?

You can send a private call to 515997 to get a PARROT reply, which means your audio will be played back to you. This is a good way to test the quality of your audio and connection, as well as your mic or audio levels.

You can also use 515999 for APRS messaging.

The BrandMeister Philippines team


  • Andrew, DV1ZEJ
  • Nomar, DU1ZC
  • Roy, DV1ROY

Support Team

  • Ramon, DU1FV
  • Mike, DV1MV
  • Doc Oliver, DW7FCV
  • Rom, DU1YQ
  • Angel, AD1U
  • Rod, AK6O
  • Angelo, DU2XXR