MCC Prefix 244
Coordinators OH2LAK,OH3ERV, 

General Info

FinDMR Next Generation DMR network is powered by Brandmeister

We are on Facebook at

FinDMR information portal is located at

Details of DMR repeaters in Finland are available at -service

Supporting and welcoming all repeaters and hotspots honoring local regulations. Mainly intended for Finnish and Estonian stations to connect.

Default passwords for hotspots & MMDVM etc. are disabled. Personalized passwords are required for all connections. Please read more here;

Contact Info

Regarding hotspot or repeater passwords, sysop rights assignment or any other questions, please contact the FinDMR BM-administration team via email at

Email reflector for everyone interested about FinDMR:

FinDMR group discussion; (below are linked together so no need to join both)

Services for repeaters / hotspots

Motorola IPSC

  • Destination address = /
  • Port = UDP 55000
  • Authentication key is delivered to repeater sysop from BM2441 operations team, please contact

Hytera Multi-Site

  • Destination address = /
  • P2P port = 50000
  • Data port = 50001
  • RDAC port = 50002

Homebrew protocol (MMDVM)

  • Destination address = /
  • Port = 62031
  • Hotspot password = your hotspot security password
  • MMDVM repeater password = delivered to repeater sysop from BM2441 operations team, please contact

Hytera PNAS RoIP

  • Destination address =
  • Port = 50180
  • Password = your hotspot security password.

Information how to set your own hotspot security password can be found here;

Services for end users

Network functions

  • Parrot application answers on private call address 244997
  • ARS/RRS/GPS Location update destination is private call address 244999
  • TMS (Text Message Services) destination is private call address 244990
  • CAI network in Finland is currently 10 instead of default 12
  • CAI Group network in Finland is default 225


FinDMR talkgroups are assigned to timeslots according to the general model; Countrywide and international traffic on TS1 and regional traffic on TS2.

On dynamic talkgroups the timeout is 10 minutes, handoff timer is 15 seconds.


TG number TG formal name Description
244 244 Finland Countrywide talkgroup, static on all repeaters
  • Subscriptions to all Brandmeister network talkgroups outside Finland should be done on TS1
  • TG91 is activated automatically on every repeater during Worldwide Check-In every Saturday at 1600UTC
  • National FinDMR Check-in net on TG244 every Sunday at 1900hrs local time (EET)


  • Regional talkgroups 244X and sub-regional talkgroups 244X1, 244X2 and 244X3 are set static on repeaters in their respective regions. Elsewhere talkgroups are available as dynamic on TS2.
  • QSY talkgroups 244X0 are available as dynamic only
  • X represents the respective region 1..9
TG number TG formal name Description
2440 2440 OH0 OH0 Åland Island region
24400 24400 OH0 QSY OH0 Åland Island chat
2441 2441 FI OH1 OH1 Region
24410 24410 FI OH1 QSY OH1 Region chat
2442 2442 FI OH2 OH2 Region
24420 24420 FI OH2 QSY OH2 Region chat
24421 24421 FI OH2 Pks Pääkaupunkiseutu - Capital region - Helsinki/Espoo/Vantaa
24422 24422 FI OH2 L-U OH2 Western Uusimaa region
24423 24423 FI OH2 I-U OH2 Eastern Uusimaa region
24430 24430 FI OH3 QSY OH3 region chat
24431 24431 FI OH3 Pir OH3 Pirkanmaa region
24432 24432 FI OH3 P-H OH3 Päijät-Häme region
24433 24433 FI OH3 K-H OH3 Kanta-Häme region
2444 2444 FI OH4 OH4 Region
24440 24440 FI OH4 QSY OH4 Region chat
2445 2445 FI OH5 OH5 Region
24450 24450 OH5 QSY OH5 Region chat
24451 24451 FI OH5 EKa OH5 Etelä-Karjala region
24452 24452 FI OH5 Kymi OH5 Kymenlaakso region
2446 2446 FI OH6 OH6 Region
24460 24460 FI OH6 QSY OH6 Region chat
24461 24461 FI OH6 K-S OH6 Keski-Suomi Region
24462 24462 FI OH6 Pjm OH6 Etelä-Pohjanmaa and Keski-Pohjanmaa regions
24463 24463 FI OH6 Öbo OH6 Pohjanmaa/Österbotten region
2447 2447 FI OH7 OH7 Region
24470 24470 FI OH7 QSY OH7 Region chat
24471 24471 FI OH7 PSa OH7 Pohjois-Savo region
24472 24472 FI OH7 PKa OH7 Pohjois-Karjala region
2448 2448 FI OH8 OH8 Region
24480 24480 FI OH8 QSY OH8 Region chat
2449 2449 FI OH9 OH9 Region
24490 24490 FI OH9 QSY OH9 Region chat
9 9 Local Non-routable local repeater
244XXX 244XXX Repeater callsign Routable local repeater
Finnish talkgroup map

- OH2 sub-region talkgroup map



The Finnish repeater allocation has specific channels reserved for digital repeaters. Most of the FinDMR network repeaters use these specific channels but there are also some which do use old mixed-mode channels. More information about repeater locations and channels can be found from -service.

Please set the following parameters in your DMR radio for proper repeater operations;

  • Admit Criteria: Please set to “Color Code (Free)”
  • In Call Criteria: Please set to “Follow Admit Criteria”

Please note that users should program their radios to transmit on the Repeater RX -frequency and listen on the Repeater TX -frequency

145 MHz repeaters

  • Repeater offset is -0,6 MHz
  • Channel width 12,5 kHz
  • Common Color Code is 1
Channel number Repeater TX Repeater RX
V1 145.5750 MHz 144.9750 MHz
V2 145.5875 MHz 144.9875 MHz

434 MHz repeaters

  • Repeater offset is -2,0 MHz
  • Channel width 12,5 kHz
  • Common Color Code is 1
Channel number Repeater TX Repeater RX
U0 434.5000 MHz 432.5000 MHz
U1 434.5125 MHz 432.5125 MHz
U2 434.5250 MHz 432.5250 MHz
U3 434.5375 MHz 432.5375 MHz
U4 434.5500 MHz 432.5500 MHz
U5 434.5625 MHz 432.5625 MHz
U6 434.5750 MHz 432.5750 MHz
U7 434.5875 MHz 432.5875 MHz

438 MHz repeaters

  • Repeater offset is -5,0 MHz
  • Channel width 12,5 kHz
  • Common Color Code is 1
Channel number Repeater TX Repeater RX
UW6 438.0750 MHz 433.0750 MHz
UW7 438.0875 MHz 433.0875 MHz
UW8 438.1000 MHz 433.1000 MHz
UW9 438.1125 MHz 433.1125 MHz
UW10 438.1250 MHz 433.1250 MHz
UW11 438.1375 MHz 433.1375 MHz
UW12 438.1500 MHz 433.1500 MHz

Simplex / DMO

For direct communication on simplex frequencies, recommendation is to use TS1 with CC1.

Please set the following parameters to your radio for DMO operations;

  • Admit Criteria: Please set to “Always”
  • In Call Criteria: Please set to “TXI” or “Always”
TG number TG formal name Description
99 99 DMO Direct Mode Operations on simplex channel
Frequency Usage
145.375 MHz Digital voice calling channel
144.825 MHz Simplex operations
144.8375 MHz Simplex operations
Frequency Usage
434.400 MHz Digital voice calling channel
434.4125 MHz Simplex operations
434.425 MHz Simplex operations
434.4375 MHz Simplex operations
434.450 MHz Simplex operations

Hotspot operations

For hotspot operations on simplex frequencies, recommendation is to use an arbitrary CC between 11..15. Not CC1

Please configure the actual location of your hotspot to its configuration, the location is delivered to the Brandmeister Dashboard. Please observe other hotspots in your close vicinity and use different frequency and CC to avoid looping through the system!

Please set the following parameters to your radio for hotspot operations;

  • Admit Criteria: Please set to “Color Code (Free)”
  • In Call Criteria: Please set to “Follow Admit Criteria”
Frequency Usage
144.850 MHz Hotspot operations
144.8625 MHz Hotspot operations
Frequency Usage
434.4625 MHz Hotspot operations
434.475 MHz Hotspot operations
434.4875 MHz Hotspot operations

Duplex Hotspots

Hotspot TX Hotspot RX Restrictions of usage
434.9375 MHz 432.9375 MHz Should not be used if nearby repeaters occupy channel 434.925 MHz and/or 434.950 MHz
434.9625 MHz 432.9625 MHz Should not be used if nearby repeaters occupy channel 434.950 MHz and/or 434.975 MHz
434.9875 MHz 432.9875 MHz Should not be used if nearby repeaters occupy channel 434.975 MHz