Dashboard and Status Pages

Please Note that Hoseline is now operational

Worldwide Dashboard

Worldwide Last Heard

Worldwide Data Groups

Number Name Notes
9900 Local Data Local data / alert channel put in all RX lists

Worldwide Test Transmissions and Parrot Calls

When checking connectivity and audio transmissions on the BrandMeister Network, make a PRIVATE CALL to 9990 and not a group call. *Alternatively and more correctly users should in fact make a private call to their MCC code followed by 997, to achieve the same thing. For example for the UK a private call to 234997 will generate a parrot response. The MCC code is the first three digit of the national group call, as 310 for the USA, 272 for Ireland, and 208 for France. However for these to respond correctly your repeater or hotspot should be connected to the appropriate master.

Making this private call ensures that what is transmitted, up to a time limit of 90 seconds, is returned to the user making the call.

The resulting quality can be ascertained by the repeated transmission in order for the user to make appropriate adjustments if he or she needs to do so.

This transmission can be made on either time slot on a repeater system, or the single time slot of a simplex hotspot.

A transmission with 9990 as a group call serves no purpose.

That said, the current Pi-Star software in DMR-Gateway function can accept a group call 9990, but is type-rewritten to a private call in the ReWrite functions of the Gateway.

Group Call 98 has been dedicated as a two way TalkGroup for the purposes of testing. Here you may find stations prepared to assist you in any way.

Listening to Transmissions

At present, the application formerly known as HoseLine on BrandMeister is not supported or operational, despite the presence of links within these pages. Any future development of this application in its present form has ceased for the time being.

Worldwide Talk Groups

The talk groups that are available worldwide and based on the spoken language and geographic area. These talk groups may be configured as Dynamic Talk Groups in your area which are contacted by a PTT press on a group contact number. After the PTT press, the repeater transmits activity on this talk group for 15 minutes after last PTT press.

Where possible please do not activate these TalkGroups on repeaters where there are centres of activity on the same time slot. Please consider doing so on the quieter slot. In any case consult your local repeater protocols, or discuss with your repeater sysop. On a personal hotspot of course you may do as you please.

Number Name Notes
91 Worldwide English English Language
92 Europe European Region
93 North America United States and Canada
901 Worldwide 901 TAC 1
902 Worldwide 902 TAC 2
903 Worldwide 903 TAC 3
95 Pacific Rim Australia and New Zealand
413 Sri Lanka Sinhala and English
440 Japan Japanese Language
510 Indonesia Indonesia Language
520 Thailand Thailand Language
910 German German Language
913 English English Language
914 Spanish Spanish Language
915 Portuguese Portuguese Language
916 Italian Italian language
920 DL, OE, HB
921 French French Language
922 Dutch Dutch Language
923 English European English Language
927 Nordic Nordic Language
930 Hellenic Greek Language
937 Francophone French Language

The talk group that are available worldwide and based on the spoken language. These talk group are available in on-demand out of the country of origin. In own country, according to talk group, many repeaters are involved. Ex. National - all National repeaters are On-AIR. Regional - all repeaters in the Region are On-AIR.

Number Name Notes
222 National Italian Full list of italian repeaters here: Italy
22201 Lazio Regional Lazio
22202 Sardegna Regional Sardegna
22203 Umbria Regional Umbria
22211 Liguria Regional Liguria
22212 Piemonte Regional Piemonte
22213 Valle d'Aosta Regional Valle d'Aosta
22221 Lombardia Regional Lombardia
22231 Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Friuli Venezia Giulia
22232 Trentino Alto Adige Regional Trentino Alto Adige
22233 Veneto Regional Veneto
22241 Emilia Romagna Regional Emilia Romagna
22251 Toscana Regional Toscana
22261 Abruzzo Regional Abruzzo
22262 Marche Regional Marche
22271 Puglia Regional Puglia
22281 Basilicata Regional Basilicata
22282 Calabria Regional Calabria
22283 Campania Regional Campania
22284 Molise Regional Molise
22291 Sicilia Regional Sicilia

Disconnection from Dynamic TalkGroups

Having used a TalkGroup on a repeater or a hotspot, it should be good practice to make a brief transmission on the active slot using GroupCall 4000. In reply, the server responds "Not Linked" to confirm that the path has been unlinked from the server to the device in use. This frees the slot from further transmissions from the last TalkGroup except in the condition that the TalkGroup is a fixed group on the device.

The best method to achieve a GroupCall 4000 is to assign 4000 as a group call in the Contact List in the CPS for the terminal in use (Talk Group List in the Anytone 868/878), and then to assign this group call to an accessory button or key on the terminal. Once programmed, a light touch on the button displays "TG 4000"; Press PTT. Activating the PTT briefly at this point shall send a data call to initiate the disconnect.

This category uses the form Country.