MCC Prefix 262, 263, 264, 265
Coordinators DL3OCK, 

The BrandMeister Master Server in Germany is hosted by the BM262 Team On this wiki page, you can find some information about the German Brandmeister MASTER-System. The german Support Team BM262 share all informations in german language at

Dashboards & Status Pages

Use one of the following Website to get an overview.

Worldwide Talk Groups

The Talk Groups that are available worldwide and based on the spoken language and geographic area. These Talk Groups may be configured as Dynamic Talk Groups. After the PTT press, the repeater transmits activity on this talk group for 15 minutes after last PTT press.

Timeslot Number Name Notes
1 91 Worldwide English English Language
1 92 Europe European Region
1 3100 North America United States and Canada
1 95 Pacific Rim Australia and New Zealand
1 910 German German Language
1 911 French French Language
1 913 English English Language
1 914 Spanish Spanish Language
1 915 Portuguese Portuguese Language
1 916 Italian Italian language
1 920 DL, OE, HB9 D-A-CH
1 921 French French Language
1 922 Dutch Dutch Language
1 923 English European English Language
1 927 Nordic Nordic Language

National Talk Groups

TG262 is the main talkgroup, nation wide, typical in Timeslot1

You can find a Talkgroup List at

Regional Talk Groups and Cross-Link

The list shows only typical used TG in Germany. (Last change. July 27, 2018)

TG8 Region List


Timeslot Talkgroup Notice Link Reflector
1 TG232 Austria n/a
1 TG262 Germany n/a
2 TG2620 Sachsen-Anhalt/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2 TG2621 Berlin/Brandenburg
2 TG2622 Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein
2 TG2623 Niedersachsen/Bremen
2 TG2624 Nordrhein-Westfalen
2 TG2625 Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland
2 TG2626 Hessen
2 TG2627 Baden-Württemberg
2 TG2628 Bayern
2 TG2629 Sachsen/Thüringen
2 TG26200, 26299, 26233, 26266, 26300, 26399 Tactical Groups TAC 1-4 and Multimode TAC 1,2 263xx
2 TG263 Multimode-TG
Service Number Functionality
262993 WX SMS - Sending a WX report (several parameters for locations available, i.e. wx rpt or wx gps)
262994 RPT SMS - Generates a message with current active repeater TG's
262997 Parrot - Make personal call to get an echo replaying your audio up to 30 sec. for quality check and device test
262999 APRS - GPS/APRS frames send to this ID are being forwarded to

Here you can find a documentation of our TMS/SMS Services:

Contact BM262 Team Members

Contact one of this members, if you have any questions:

  • OM Denis, DL3OCK, Head of German BM-Team and Member of International BM-Admin-Board, Admin 2621,2622
  • OM Torben, DH6MBT, Webmaster of, Support Master Admin 2621,2622
  • OM Ralph DK5RAS, Support Master Admin 2621,2622
  • OM Robert, DK5RTA, Developer, Support Master Admin 2621, 2622
  • OM Klaus, DL5RFK, Webmaster of, Support Master 2621,2622

Own Project

The german BM Team created in July 2016 a RaspberryPi Image with a easy to use webbased Configuration site. For more details, please have a look at

MMDVM DMR Network Configuration

  1. or
  2. Port=62031
  3. Password=passw0rd


please do not hesitate to contact us via E-Mail

Facts about "Germany"
CoordinatorDL3OCK +
CountryGermany +
MCC262, 263, 264, 265 +