Homebrew MMDVM
Vendor Homebrew
Firmware unspecified
DMR Yes D-Star Yes
Tetra No P25 Yes
Terminal support
Group call Yes Voice call Yes
SMS Yes IP Yes
DMR Protocol support
Talker Alias Yes In call GPS Yes


Index.jpg Mmdvm by UB3AIA.jpg

Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP

Mmdvm hs dual hat.jpg MMDVM HS HAT DUPLEX.jpg



MMDVM Shields


  1. [General]
  2. Callsign=R1ABC
  3. Timeout=180
  4. Duplex=1
  5. #ModeHang=10
  6. RFModeHang=10
  7. NetModeHang=4
  8. Display=Nextion
  9. Daemon=0
  11. [Info]
  12. RXFrequency=434000000
  13. TXFrequency=439000000
  14. Power=1
  15. Latitude=51.0
  16. Longitude=39.0
  17. Height=10 (par rapport au sol)
  18. Location=JN25FF
  19. Description=Multi-Mode Repeater
  22. [Log]
  23. # Logging levels, 0=No logging
  24. DisplayLevel=1
  25. FileLevel=1
  26. FilePath=.
  27. FileRoot=MMDVM
  29. [CW Id]
  30. Enable=1
  31. Time=10
  33. [DMR Id Lookup]
  34. File=DMRIds.dat
  35. Time=24
  37. [DMR]
  38. Enable=1
  39. Id=250199
  40. ColorCode=1
  42. [DMR Network]
  43. Enable=1
  45. Port=62031
  46. Password=passw0rd
  47. Debug=1

Dashboard for MMDVMHost

Recommend radios for homebrew repeaters

Being tested on Warning.png
Unknown Question mark.png
Supported Works
Unsupported Cross.png

Known to work well for DStar, all radios should also work fine for DMR (otherwise please edit this list). The following radios have been approved to work as homebrew repeaters HF frontends:

Model RX TX Notes
CDM750 / 1250 / 1550LS Works Works Excellent TX & RX on all modes
CM140 / 160 / 340 Works Works EM200(CM140) Very low BER at Rx (SV4QXF) Tx works (SQ6POG)
EM400 Works Works -XE1HAX- TX / RX VHF good work with (SP8NTH) v0.04
GM1200 Works Works D-Star,DMR,C4FM,P25 - TX using PIN 24 ACC, RX only via PIN 5 of internal CS(Option)connector [DISC OUT]! PIN 25 ACC NOT WORKING! OK2IT see #GM1200 DISC out
GM300/Maxtrac Works Works Very Simple setup
GM338 Works Works DMR & C4FM tested
GM340 / GM360 / GM380 Works Works The RX radio codeplug version should be 8.1 or greater. Change the configuration Byte 2 to “04”. With this the squelch is debounced by four more cycles (5 instead of 1) to avoid radio resets caused by a message queue overflow when the squelch flutters. This prevents the RX radio to crash / reboot while receiving TDMA signals. (HB9FWB)
GM350 / GM950 Works Works PCB Mod. VHF RX TX work (SQ9MYX), UHF RX TX work with 128ch variant and PCB mod (2E0TSP)
GM600 Works TX UHF Work (SQ9MYX)
GM600 (reprogrammed to GM950) Works Works TX / RX UHF Work excellent on SR8UWD (SP8NTH)
GR1225 Works Works N9KRG
GTX (900MHz) Works Cross.png My Motorola XPR 6580 was unable to decode anything while DSD+ was. Frequency was not center stable and no amount of adjustments helped which may be the issue. (KD9KOO)
M1225 Cross.png Works Receive causing unstable BER at Rx 5~10% (VE2RI)
MCS2000 Warning.png Works Unstable BER at Rx 1,2~5% (SV4QXF)
MSF5000 Works Works X74CXB7106AT Works well for DMR; C4FM and Dstar not tested (YO2LLQ)
MTR2000 Works Works Very well for DMR and DStar - C4FM not tested (IZ5IGB) - NB: a 10uF 16v electrolytic needed in series with the Rx audio line (+ve towards MTR2000) to block DC bias. (M0DMP)
PM400 Works Works TXInvert=On, RXInvert=Off ; Tested well with D-Star, DMR and C4FM. (N0RJC)
Pro 3100 Works Cross.png At least with 4 used radios I tested, Tx is center frequency is unstable.
Pro 5100 Works Works Excellent TX & RX on all modes
VRM650 (MCS2000) Works Works K0XM/W0NQX
VRM850 (MCS2000) Works Works N4IRS See in the Yahoo MMDVM files/Hardware area
XPR 4580 Works Cross.png My Motorola XPR 6580 was unable to decode anything and neither was DSD+. Frequency was not center stable and no amount of adjustments helped which may be the issue. (KD9KOO)
Model RX TX Notes
TM-V71A/E Works TX Has a timeout of Max 10 min and its impossible to change this.
TH-F7E Works Cross.png (CT1HDC) (IW9GRL - Good reception but unstable BER 0.3~5% )
TKR-750 Works Works VK4JLM Tested DSTAR and DMR, interfaced via rear DB25
TKR-830 Works Works N4IRS Good receive and transmit Tested DMR only Needs internal jumper Doc to follow
TKR-850 Works Works VK4JLM Tested DSTAR and DMR, interfaced via rear DB25
TK-8180 Works Works KC9FQT Works great, used for the WF1RES repeater, used with rear DB25 port
TM-D710 Works Works Tested to work with DMR using STM32-DVM v3 RPi hat. From the radio, must set radio to use EXT. DATA SPEED = 9600 bps and use 6-pin Mini DIN cable as specified by (pin 4 "PR9" is audio output before discriminator). From MMDVM set TXInvert=0 and RXInvert=1. Note that TX audio gain must be set quite high for DMR to operate properly. (OH3ERV 2018-09-16)
TM-D710G Works Works W4DHW - Currently being used on D-Star, DMR and P25 as higher power hotspot with STM32_DVM board. Works great! Set A-band or B-band to 9600 baud (external)
Model RX TX Notes
DR-1X Works Works TX/RX audio is excellent, DMR/D-Star Tested (W2GLD)
FT-7900 Works Works Check/fine tune frequency for DMR use. TX will sag with temperature, set it 2-300 Hz above. (LA1PHA/LA1FTA)
FT-7800 Works Works Check/fine tune frequency for DMR use. TX will sag with temperature, set it 2-300 Hz above (LA1PHA/LA1FTA). Could not get DMR BER consistently less than 3-5% due to frequency instability. OK for YSF with BER ~1% (KE7KUS).
FT-8800 Works Works
FT-100D Works (CT1HDC)
FTM-350 Works Radio does not work on transmitting DMR (What I tested it on), with any combination of settings. The FTM-350 will receive DMR OK. (AE0CP)
FT-8900 Works Works (DMR CT1JIB)
FT-817 Works Works RX also looks to work (PD0ZRY)
FT-857 Works Works DMR/DSTAR works very well as DMO mode, BER stable around 1-2% ( IW9HFS )
FTM100/DE Works Works PinOut MMDVM-->MINIDIN 10PIN : 1=DIN6, 2=DIN4, 3=DIN2, 5=DIN1, 6=DIN3 - IZ0RIN
FT-1907R/E Works Works Works great on TX, works perfect on RX. You must open the transceiver and use the discriminator audio for tx/rx. 0% stable BER both ways. Although transceiver suffers from overheating if used for TX as well(in case of hotspot), due to lack of a blower. For further info contact me via email.(5B4AMD)
VXR-9000 UHF Works Works DMR/DSTAR works very well as DMO mode, TXDelay=45, DMRDelay=27, TXInvert=1, RXInvert=0 (F4GIX)
Model RX TX Notes
TM-600U Works Cross.png RX work perfect. TX not work! (SQ9MYX)
Model RX TX Notes
T800 Series I Works Works For TX bypass/cut off low pass filter stage in audio processor, provide new DC bias at half rail into buffer, inject data at buffer. For RX tap at or near discriminator. (VK2AMV)
T800 Series II Works Works N4IRS See Tait Series II data in the Yahoo MMDVM files/Hardware area. Additional note by VK2AMV, Be very careful of DC leakage into buffer effecting Op Amp DC bias. I had huge problems with less than a Microamp of DC leakage through a faulty DC blocking capacitor before I discovered it. DMR works great with T800 SII.
T2020 Series II Works Works DMR Works, More info (F4GIX)
Tm8100 Works Works DMR/DSTAR works well as DMO mode,DMR Delay 83 , More info (F4GIX)
Tm8250 Works Works DMR/DSTAR works well as DMO mode,DMR Delay 83 , More info (F4GIX)
TB7100 Works Works works with internal connections to RX/TX DF2ET, see
Model RX TX Notes
KS-960 Works Works Needs crystals. 2W output. (DB9CR)
Model RX TX Notes
IC E880 Works Works DMR/DSTAR works well as DMO mode (IK5XMK)
IC-V200TRE Works Works DMR/DSTAR works, DMR Delay=40, More info (F4GIX)
IC-E2820 Works Works DMR works very well as DMO mode (SY1BRU)
IC-7000 Works Works DMR/D-Star works very well as DMO mode (SV6NOB)
IC-2725 Works Works DMR works very well as DMO mode (SY3BOQ)
IC-F5061 Warning.png Warning.png Work in Progress: TXINVERT=On, RXINVERT=On. On radio main board, need to bridge coffee bean "F" to closed. On DSUB-25 accessory connector: GND = Pin 7, Tx_Audio = Pin 8, RX_Audio = Pin 9 , PTT = Pin 19, COS = 17. D-Star BER high, 9% RX. (N0RJC)
Model RX TX Notes
MASTR III Works Works DMR works well (NF0T)
Model RX TX Notes
SM-6450U Works Cross.png RX works great / TX unstable(YO6NAM)
Model RX TX Notes
BCR-50x Works Works All modes work well (KØXM)
Model RX TX Notes
TH9000D Works Cross.png RX DMR work perfect. TX not work!(F4GIX). Note from KD9KOO, these radios simply do not work as a transmit radio for digital modes. The radio appears to be doing some filtering/modification of the TX audio to the point where a digital radio can't decode it.

GM1200 DISC out

Internal CS option connector of a Motorola GM1200 with discriminator on pin 5. Complete pinout at

GM1200 disc.png