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Motorola XPR 8400 / DR3000
Vendor Motorola
Model XPR 8400 / DR3000
Firmware R20.24.01.03 / R20.23.01.05
Website unspecified
DMR Yes D-Star No
Tetra No P25 No
Terminal support
Group call Yes Voice call Yes
SMS Yes IP Yes
DMR Protocol support
Talker Alias Yes In call GPS Yes

Important notice

We are strongly not recommending to upgrade repeaters with firmware non-listed in this article. Motorola informs that they are going to discontinue access to IPSC for all application partners. Future releases will support connectivity via Wireline only with special extra-cost developer license.

There's no definite time this will happen, but check release notes carefully before upgrading to versions of the firmware not listed below. You can also check (via the Brandmeister Repeaters list) to see if others are already using newer versions and if they've managed to connect successfully to Brandmeister.

Tested equipment

Repeater models:

DR3000 recommended Models with extended RAM (upgradable to M2020 and further):

  • PMUE3084BAEAA [DR 3000 UHF2 (1-40W)]
  • PMUE2390CAEAA [DR 3000 UHF1 (25-40W)]
  • PMUD2091CAEAA [DR 3000 VHF (25-45W)]
  • PMUD2092CAEAA [DR 3000 VHF (1-25W)]
  • PMUE3017CAEAA [DR 3000 UHF1 (1-25W)]

Firmwares (DR-3000):

  • R02.20.12
  • R02.30.02
  • R02.30.20
  • R02.40.12
  • R02.40.20
  • R02.06.00.07
  • R02.08.05.03
  • R02.09.00.13 (This firmware fix the IDOC diffusion)
  • R20.20.02.03 (First firmware with TA support, needs M2020.02 release on mobile device, DR3000 only with extended memory)
  • R20.21.01.06
  • R20.21.04.02 (needs also mobile device with M2021.03 release)
  • R20.22.03.06 (last one EMEA)
  • R20.23.01.05 (latest APAC, not confirmed)

Firmwares (SLR-5500 / SLR-5700 / SLR-8000 / SLR-1000):

  • R01.01.04
  • R01.02.00
  • R02.06.00.07
  • R02.08.05.04 (many improvements observed: better forward error correction, debounce, faster reading/writing over IP)
  • R20.20.02.03 (First firmware with TA support, needs M2020.02 release on mobile device)
  • R20.21.04.01 (needs also mobile with M2021.03 release minimum)
  • R20.25.01.10 (M2025.01)

Firmwares (XPR-8400 / MTR-3000):

  • R02.08.05.04 (many improvements observed: better forward error correction, debounce, faster reading/writing over IP)
  • R20.20.02.03 (First firmware with TA support, needs M2020.02 release on mobile device)
  • R20.21.04.02 (needs also mobile with M2021.03 release minimum)
  • R20.24.01.03 (NA only)


Motorola repeater config.png

The IP in the image is just information please choose the right ip for you local master.

Issues with connectivity


Several times we got issue with empty password (same as on Hytera). Please check page Status of your BrandMeister Server. Field "Interpretation" will contain text "Authentication is On" it your repeater has non-empty password field. To solve this problem you need to fill some text into password field and upload codeplug into repeater then clear password and upload codeplug again. Note: BrandMeister can be configured to use authentication.

NAT traversal / firewalls / port forwarding

Mostly you have issues with your router or firewall if Field "Interpretation" contains text "XNL is not connected". In this case messages sent by server was not delivered to the repeater. BrandMeister Server is friendly for NAT traversal and it is not required any special settings.

Issues on operations

Continuous TX-ing

This situation happens when synchronous beaconing is on at your BrandMaster Server and repeater code-plug has wrong beacon duration. To solve this issue please set beacon values as shown at the picture:

Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 19.50.50.png

Repeater does not transmit calls from the server

This situation happens when repeater code-plug has wrong value of RSSI Threshold due the specific of internal call arbitering. Also in this state the repeater detaches its time slots from the server and appears in the dashboard online, but without time slots. Any non-DMR or wrong CC signal that is higher than this value will bring the repeater in this highly unwanted state. So it is absolutely necessary to chose a value that is high enough. -100 dBm or even more. And note that it is a negative value, so -40 dBm is higher than -100 dBm :) To solve this issue please adjust RSSI threshold values as shown at the picture or even higher:

Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 19.53.45.png

Facts about "Motorola/Repeaters"
FirmwareR20.24.01.03 / R20.23.01.05 +
Has arstrue +
Has dmrtrue +
Has dstarfalse +
Has gpstrue +
Has grouptrue +
Has igpstrue +
Has iptrue +
Has p25false +
Has smstrue +
Has tatrue +
Has tetrafalse +
Has voicetrue +
ModelXPR 8400 / DR3000 +
VendorMotorola +