(No difference)

Latest revision as of 06:53, 21 October 2017


  • Master/<Network ID>/Repeater - Repeater events
  • Master/<Network ID>/Session - Call Control events
  • Master/<Network ID>/Service - Application-level events
  • Master/<Network ID>/System - System events
  • Master/<Network ID>/Incoming/<Command | Message | Announce>/<Source ID>/<Destination ID> - Incoming queue of ServiceWrapper
  • Master/<Network ID>/Outgoing/<Message | Report>/<Source ID>/<Destination ID> - Outgoing queue of ServiceWrapper
  • Master/<Network ID>/Incoming/Data/<Source ID>/<Destination ID> - Incoming queue of DataBridge
  • Master/<Network ID>/Outgoing/Data/<Source ID>/<Destination ID> - Outgoing queue of DataBridge

Master/<Network ID>/Session

These are examples of send data <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> {

"Event" : "Session-Start", 
"LinkName" : "Hytera Multi-Site Connect", 
"LinkType" : 1, 
"ContextID" : 204204, 
"SessionID" : "d8655c54-b0dd-11e5-8f29-52540019894c", 
"SessionType" : 17, 
"Slot" : 2, 
"SourceID" : 2042076, 
"DestinationID" : 5057,  
"Route" : "None" 



"Event" : "Session-Update", 
"LinkName" : "Hytera Multi-Site Connect", 
"LinkType" : 1, 
"ContextID" : 204204, 
"SessionID" : "d8655c54-b0dd-11e5-8f29-52540019894c", 
"SessionType" : 9, 
"Slot" : 2, 
"SourceID" : 2042076, 
"DestinationID" : 5057,  
"Route" : "A0" 



"Event" : "Signal-Strength", 
"SessionID" : "26ddaf9e-b0de-11e5-8f29-52540019894c", 
"Strength" : -83.00



"Event" : "Session-Stop", 
"LinkName" : "Hytera Multi-Site Connect", 
"LinkType" : 1,  
"ContextID" : 204101, 
"SessionID" : "26ddaf9e-b0de-11e5-8f29-52540019894c", 
"SessionType" : 9, 
"Slot" : 1, 
"SourceID" : 2042036, 
"DestinationID" : 5059, 
"State" : 2, 
"DataCount" : 4 



"Event" : "Loss-Rate", 
"SessionID" : "26ddaf9e-b0de-11e5-8f29-52540019894c", 
"LossCount" : 0, 
"TotalCount" : 5 

} </syntaxhighlight>

Master/<Network ID>/Service

These are examples of send data <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> { "Event" : "Registration", "RegisterType" : "Hytera RRS", "SourceID" : 2060000 }

{ "Event" : "De-Registration", "RegisterType" : "Hytera RRS", "SourceID" : 2040000 }

{ "Event" : "Registration", "RegisterType" : "Motorola ARS", "SourceID" : 2060000 }

{ "Event" : "De-Registration", "RegisterType" : "Motorola ARS", "SourceID" : 2040000 }

{ "Event" : "Presence", "SourceID" : 2060000 }

{ "Event" : "Location-Report", "SourceID" : 2040000, "Latitude" : 50.904121, "Longitude" : 5.968765, "Speed" : 0.000000, "Course" : 266.000000, "Altitude" : nan }


Master/<Network ID>/Repeater

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> {

"Event" : "Repeater-Data",
"RepeaterID" : 204304,
"Name" : "PD0ZRY",
"Hardware" : "RD625-00000000-000000-U1-0-B", 
"Firmware" : "A7.00.09.005", 
"TXFrequency" : 433.7000, 
"RXFrequency" : 439.7000, 
"ColorCode" : 1, 
"SlotLink" : 3,
"ExtraData" : ""



"Event" : "Alarm",
"RepeaterID" : 204304,
"Type" : "Raise",
"Name" : "VSWR Alarm",
"Data" : "N/A"



"Event" : "Repeater-Data",
"RepeaterID" : 250102,
"Name" : "UB1AAM",
"Hardware" : "MMDVM",
"Firmware" : "20160203",
"TXFrequency" : 437.5500,
"RXFrequency" : 432.5500,
"ColorCode" : 1,
"SlotLink" : 3,
"ExtraData" : "UB1AAM  432550000437550000010159.00000030.000000000St.Petersburg       Multi-Mode Repeater www.dstar.su                                                                                                                20160203                                MMDVM                                  "



Master/<Network ID>/System

These are examples of send data <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> { "Event" : "External-Event", "Text" : "configuration changed" } </syntaxhighlight>

Master/<Network ID>/Incoming/<Command | Message | Announce>/<Source ID>/<Destination ID>

Syntax of these messages described in example section of this article.

Master/<Network ID>/Outgoing/Message/<Source ID>/<Destination ID>

Message contains text in encoding UTF-16LE.

Master/<Network ID>/Incoming/Report/<Source ID>/<Destination ID>

Message contains binary octet of status value:

  • 8 - Success
  • 64 and greater - some kind of delivery error


Query presence of terminal

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'query presence'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID

Query location of terminal

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'query location'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID

Query telemetry of terminal

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'query telemetry'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID

Start triggered location service

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'start location service 0'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID                |- Reporting interval (0 = default)

Stop triggered location service

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'stop location service'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID

Send telemetry command

mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'send telemetry command 0 0 0 0 0'
#             Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID                |*******|- Command Set:
#                                                       0 = None, 20 = Clear, 21 = Set, 22 = Toggle, 23 = Pulse

Transmit private text message

echo 'Hello!' | iconv -t 'UTF-16LE' | \
  mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Message/250999/2503002 -s
#               Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Destination ID

Transmit announce (group text message)

echo 'Hello!' | iconv -t 'UTF-16LE' | \
  mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Announce/250999/2503 -s
#               Network ID-|            Source ID-|       |-Group ID

Working with MQTT API from PHP

This example requires [phpMQTT Library]


<syntaxhighlight lang="php"> <?php

 define("SYSTEM_ENCODING", "UTF-8");
 define("BROKER_ADDRESS", "localhost");
 define("SERVER_NUMBER", 2501);
 define("SENDER_PRIVATE_ID", 250999);
 define("MESSAGE_TYPE_PRIVATE", "Message");
 define("MESSAGE_TYPE_GROUP", "Announce");
 define("LOCAL_DATA_GROUP", 9900);
 $client = new phpMQTT(BROKER_ADDRESS, 1883, __FILE__);
 function transmitMessage($type, $source, $destination, $text)
   global $client;
   $topic = "Master/" . SERVER_NUMBER . "/Outgoing/" . $type . "/" . $source . "/" . $destination;
   $content = iconv(SYSTEM_ENCODING, "UTF-16LE", $text);
   $client->publish($topic, $content, 0);
 function transmitPrivateMessage($destination, $text)
   transmitMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_PRIVATE, SENDER_PRIVATE_ID, $destination, $text);
 function transmitCountryWideMessage($group, $text)
   transmitMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_GROUP, SENDER_PRIVATE_ID, $destination, $text);
 function transmitRepeaterAreaWideMessage($repeater, $text)
   transmitMessage(MSG_TYPE_GROUP, $repeater, LOCAL_DATA_GROUP, $text);

?> </syntaxhighlight>

Example of usage

<syntaxhighlight lang="php"> <?php

 transmitPrivateMessage(2503002, "Hello World!");
 transmitCountryWideMessage(2503, "Hello World!");
 transmitRepeaterAreaWideMessage(250301, "Hello World!");

?> </syntaxhighlight>