Hawaii/Mainland AllStarLink Net (31158)
No image
Description Interoperability with Analog AllStar, Echolink, Brandmeister DMR, and Zello
Website http://wh6av.org
Country USA
Reflector None
Bridged to
D-Star Yes Tetra No
P25 Yes Analog Yes
Wires-X No YSF No

Hawaii Mainland AllStarLink Network. Bridging the gap with AllStarLink, EchoLink, BrandMeister DMR and Zello. Hawaii Mainland AllStar Net is held every Sunday at 3:30HST with the Amateur Radio Newsline followed by the Net at 16:00HST. AllStar HUBS are 42616, 28508 and 40564. BrandMeister DMR Talkgroup 31158. Echolink conference node WH6AV-L and WH6AV-R.

The use of analog bridging is prohibited on BrandMeister, 5 digit DMR talkgroups are statewide talkgroups available to everyone, adding links bridges or other unapproved non authorised connections will be decommissioned with a warning.

Facts about "TalkGroup/31158"
Bridged analogtrue +
Bridged dstartrue +
Bridged p25true +
Bridged tetrafalse +
Bridged wires-xfalse +
Bridged ysffalse +
CountryUSA +
DescriptionInteroperability with Analog AllStar, Echolink, Brandmeister DMR, and Zello +
NameHawaii/Mainland AllStarLink Net +
Talkgroup31158 +