West Tennessee 10 (Tenn 10) (314710)
No image
Description DMR Talkgroup for West Tennessee
Website [www.kg5a.us www.kg5a.us]
Country USA
Reflector None
Bridged to
D-Star No Tetra No
P25 No Analog No
Wires-X No YSF No

West Tennessee (Tennessee Ten / TN10) is a cluster of DMR repeaters for the counties of West Tennessee. Linking arrangements are handled by KX4MQ. Apart from RF, it is possible to link a via an MMDVM hotspot or dynamically link to TG 314710 (aka Tennessee 10). We encourage hams not to statically link to Ten 10 without permission. If you have a DMR repeater located in West Tennessee, please talk to us about becoming a part of the cluster for ease and stability. All repeaters in the West TN cluster utilize TS2 and TG2 for access to the cluster talkgroup. Via RF you must only use TG2 when on a cluster repeater and must not use the external TG id of 314710 when on an cluster RF repeater. IT is perfectly ok to use 314710 to link dynamically via hotspot or on a repeater that is not part of the cluster for temporary use.

If you live in West Tennessee, we hope to hear you on this talkgroup soon.

Repeaters part of this cluster: WX4EMT KG5A W4EM (add yours!)

Nets: Weekly Net at 20:00 local time. Come check in and learn about DMR and other aspects of ham radio as it pertains to the following counties in Weat Tennessee: Lake, Obion, Weakley, Henry, Dyer, Gibson, Carroll, Benton, Lauderdale, Crockett, Tipton, Haywood, Madison, Henderson, Decatur, Shelby, Fayette, Hardeman, Chester, McNairy, and Hardin.

Facts about "TalkGroup/314710"
Bridged analogfalse +
Bridged dstarfalse +
Bridged p25false +
Bridged tetrafalse +
Bridged wires-xfalse +
Bridged ysffalse +
CountryUSA +
DescriptionDMR Talkgroup for West Tennessee +
NameWest Tennessee 10 (Tenn 10) +
Talkgroup314710 +